If this is true then I for one am astonished. Man Utd must be pissing themselves laughing all the way to the bank, well until they get there and realize it is a mere drop in the ocean of the sums of money that they owe.
Man City, well, it really is more about a statement of intent rather than the actual player. This was an Arab flexing of muscle to the Glazier Family. We have money, we are willing to spend it, so how are you going to react? Everyone knows Tevez isn't worth that money, and as Fergie stated he is not worth the $41m that was originally thought to be the price. So for it to turn into $140m over 5 years is astounding.
The 'Super Agent" Kia Joorabchian is shadier than a comic book villian, I wonder just how much of this inflated tranfer fee is lining his pockets?
1 comment:
All the money for a greetin wee git?? No F#$kin chance
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