Friday, 24 July 2009

Self Defence?


(n) Self defense is the action by which a person protects himself from any bodily harm arising out of an encounters or attacks from other person either by protecting him or by blocking the opponents advancement by a counter attack. Self defense is not a crime so accused may be tempted to show their action as self defense to escape punishment

my italics

Now I am no lawyer, but the Steven Gerrard case troubles me. If he had been Joe Scouser from Sefton Park and whipped in three uppercuts to someone in a bar in Concert Square do you think he would have got off? No chance, this seemed to me like a case that even Lionel Hutz the dodgy Simpson's lawyer could have tied up. But no, it just goes to show that when justice is required, if you are a celebrity you are more 'equal' than others.

When will people realise that money, fame, and celebrity does not, and NEVER should put you above the law.

Owen's Cunning Move

The transfer that I have the most interest in this year is not the mega money moving of Messrs Ronaldo and Kaka, but the intriguing situation of Michael Owen. I admit from the start that Owen is a player that I rate very highly, for several reasons, some not so obvious as others.

Owen is two years younger than me, and when he burst onto the scene it may have been a shock to the general public but as a player of similar age and one who devoured all type of football news and gossip. I had heard of him. Mainly because an ex team mate of mine played against him when Owen scored what he still believes to be his best ever goal. A mazy run from kick off dribbling around every Scottish player he could find,taking their lunch money from them, and pulling down there shorts then slotting it home. It was a complete piss take. It looked like an edition of Billy Whizz when he tied the ball to his boots, or used superglue. This was at U15 level.

With some players you can just tell. Simple as that you look at them and they do one thing and you think "You can't coach that" with his goal against Argentina it was not his dribble, or finish that stood out. It was his first touch, that outside of the boot caress that took him into full stride and on his way to super stardom. ONE TOUCH. And that is why I find his move to Man Utd so interesting.

Owen WILL score goals. FACT. Look at his C.V it shows around a goal every two games. For the best teams in the world (Newcastle excluded obviously) and I believe he will score plenty at Man Utd. His fitness is the key, as is well documented, but for me it seems a very sensible gamble, risk paying the wages of a proven goalscorer, or splash the cash and end up with a Seba Veron (or dare I say it a Berbatov?)

Owen started playing in the tail end of the Spice Boys era, Armani Suits and inflated egos. He played with John Barnes at a time when football was about to go BOOM. He played when the average punter could still relate (if only a little) to the men on the pitch. Those days are gone. Owen inspired people because you thought "Look at him, he is a normal lad" not some pampered pussy.

I think Fergie has pulled a shrewd move, I look forward to watching this develop over the season.And nothing would make me smile more than if he banged one in at the KOP!

Monday, 20 July 2009

New Kit

Loved this time of year because of the new kit

My favorites so far. Both bring back memories for me, the Everton one makes me think of Jagger and Bowie dancing in the street, (I still piss myself at that video) Transformers packed lunch boxes filled with triangular sannies, and buying Refresher bars at the school tucky. Sideshedtastic

The Celtic kit reminds me of endles games of World Cuppy on a dusty hockey park, Oasis ruling my life, and trying like fuck to win because a few birds were watching you.



Ok I'm not gonna lie, I'm very excited about the forthcoming season. The transfers have been big and bold (Ronaldo, Kaka etc) interesting in a scratchy beardy way (Adebayor, Owen) and downright mental (Ibra- Eto plus Hleb and $64,000,000 if it goes through)

So here are my predictions for who will be Champions in each Country

England- Liverpool
Spain- Real Madrid
Italy- Inter
France- Marseille
Germany- Bayern Munich
Scotland- Celtic

Remember these are not the teams I want to win, just who I think will win. What do you think?

Aaaaaaaaaaaand stretch.

The summer is a strange time. For most it brings the long awaited vacations and the occasional bar-b-q, Wimbledon and the Open with a cold beer, perhaps? Yet for the professional footballer, it is the chance to unwind for a few weeks before 9 months of hard labor commence.

As a pro, I always had a split personality over pre-season. Yes, you join in with the rest of the lads in cursing the man with the whistle and the stop watch "Your watch made of fucking chocolate?" "I'd love to see him run 10- 100m at 15 secs pace...CUNT!!" and you absolutely despise every second of running. Waking up, you think "I cannot walk, never mind run", yet 2 hours later you're flying around a track feeling like Roger Bannister on speed. And that's where the dichotomy becomes clear. You hate it, but you know it's doing you good, you think the goalie might lap you (the ultimate embarrasment) when you wake up, only to find yourself cruising past the teams fittest man (you know every team has a guy who could easily step in and run for the Kenyans at the next Olympics). Granted you might just pass him for one run, but that one run proves that you are THE man, fitter than last year and ready to be better than you ever have been.

It's a beautifuly optimistic time of year, you meet new friends, click on and off the field with guys, get exited about who is signing who and generally focus more on becoming a better Pro...

...and then the balls come out. And that is a different kettle of fish altogether.

Because, at the end of the day it's about the ball. You can get yourself in the greatest of shape, be a fantastic athlete, but if you have the touch of a blind rapist then you're fucked. Well, that's not completely true...I know guys who have played at the highest level who you would rather play a man down with at 5 asides than pick them. TT they're called- Touch Tackle. When they try to control the ball, inevitably the next thing they have to do is tackle!! But for them it is the physical preparation that is vital. They know deep down that they're not blessed in the touch department (me? I had the touch of an anorexic butterfly landing on a silk rose petal). So basically what I'm saying is, it takes all sorts. On my first day of walking into the training ground with Ross County, I walked in and the fans' favorite player was sitting with a coffee and a cigarette (more of him later) fully in kit, with boots on ready to go!

The game has evolved since then (thankfully) although I would give me left leg to see Ronaldo and Kaka sitting in the dressing room tonight with a Nescafe and a Woodbine asking "Sergio, Serge, you got a light?"

But after 12 years of pre season, last year was my first not doing one, it felt wierd, it still does.


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